The Luxury of Distraction

You are lucky: distraction is your enemy.You don't have a real enemy. No physical threat, no harm headed your way. No bullets, no rampaging crowd, no fire. Instead, you just have those things which would occupy your life and yet steal that life from you.

What We Grapple With

Distractions like Instagram or TikTok or (insert your technology-centered thing here) threaten to dominate our society. But people said this about the TV. And the phone. And probably magazines, the radio, and newspapers. Most likely, the very first drawing on a caveman's wall was accompanied by someone sighing, "Great. Now we'll never get anything done."

If your life is comfortable enough that you have to worry mostly about distractions, be very grateful and go help someone else.

You are fortunate. There are those in this world who are worried right now about their safety or where they're going to find their next meal.

But that does not mean that you should underestimate or ignore this enemy of distraction. It will eat your life if you let it. Distraction has a voracious appetite that no one has sated yet.

Do This

Instead, be smart about your distractions.

Choose them and don't allow them to govern you: that goes for in the gym as well as outside of the gym

.Obsessing about your lift is a good distraction. Blowing your lift because you can't ignore the fly buzzing near the window is a bad distraction.

Failing to concentrate sufficiently because you don't have your lifting shoes or your special wrist wraps? Not good.

You get what I'm saying here. Focus.

And, right now, this article is a distraction so I'm ending it.

Go do.


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