Looking Forward

Where do your eyes go? Seriously, where do you look when you're in the workout? Is it up, down, to the side, or straight ahead? Or all of these directions?More importantly, where should you be looking?Fitness, like life, has no one perfect answer for this – but there is one answer that's right a whole bunch of the time: Look forward. Neck in neutral position, not craned up or down, not twisted to one side or the other. Neck neutral and eyes forward.Sure, there are going to be exceptions. When you're jumping up to the pull-up bar, we want you to look up and grasp what you're aiming for – just like in life.Or if you're really fatigued on box jumps and you need to concentrate on landing properly, it's okay to stare at the top of the box and focus there.And proper deadlift form, with neutral neck position, will mean your eyes will be forward but looking at the ground ahead of you.But, most of the time, you should be looking straight ahead of you.Life is best lived looking forward.So make your eyes go there. Look down when you have to, look up when you're reaching, and know what looking back will cost you.Be strong, look straight ahead, and do what needs to be done.


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