Pain or Fun? Or Both?

They call me the Mistress of Pain, but I'm really much nicer than that.It's an old name, from the early days when I had perhaps not grasped the finer points of programming. (Okay, honestly, the fact that anyone still speaks to me is amazing.)That being said, we always had fun. Even when it was painful, it was fun, in some odd way.So I was surprised when I heard a noted fitness "expert" the other day say "Not a lot of fitness is fun."Really? What planet do you live on, Jillian Michaels?Because here on Planet CrossFit, fitness is fun. And functional. And kick-ass. And hard. And terrible. And fabulous. And uplifting. And motivating. And oxygen. Pure oxygen for our hearts and our souls.Sure, in the middle of the workout, if I'm going hard enough and fast enough, I'm a pretty miserable person. I feel like I'm going to puke. (Although I never do.) I feel like I'm going to die. (But that doesn't happen.) I guess I don't feel like it's "fun" at the moment, but, deep down, somewhere inside of me, it is fun -- or  I wouldn't keep going. CrossFit is fun. But then again, CrossFit is not "most fitness" . . .So, Jillian Michaels, if not a lot of fitness is fun, then I don't care how successful you are, you've simply been doing it wrong. Kind of like your kettlebell swings, but that's a whole different story.


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