What Do You Hunger For?

What do you hunger for?In fitness, do you hunger for a heavier deadlift or a faster run or maybe just to finish the workout "not-last" this time? Do you want real push-ups? Maybe a muscle-up?How about in life?Do you hunger for a partner, kids, maybe a new house or a car? Or maybe freedom from any and all of that? Or maybe it's all very simple – you just want to laugh more, worry less, and back squat your bodyweight.We all hunger for something. Yearning is a part of the human condition. And that can be a good thing or a bad thing. Hunger is (as with most things) exactly what you make of it. It can control you ... or you can control it.But what if you don't know your hunger?What if you have yet to identify that which you crave? What if you've been so busy, running from thing to thing that you have not really thought about your hunger?What if you don't know what you really really want?Then do this: slow down.Take a moment. Take several moments. Get off Facebook or Twitter or Netflix or your e-mail and just sit for 5 minutes. Think about what you truly hunger for – in fitness and in life.Figure it out. Now. Right now. Put a name to your hunger. It can change tomorrow, next month, next year, or even later today. But try to figure it out.

  • Don't be aimless.
  • Don't be purposeless.
  • Don't be without achievement (or have empty achievements) because you never stopped to figure out what you really wanted to achieve.

Ascertain. Aim. Target. Act. Do.Your hunger is there for a reason.It can tell you something about yourself. But you have to listen to it first. So go listen. And maybe have a snack too. Your mom would be happy.


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