
I'm always nervous before a workout. Always.

Aren't you?

If you don't have a bit of nerves before your workout, then maybe your workout is not hard enough. That's a cliche, a slogan, the back of a t-shirt, but here's the thing about that kind of stuff: there's usually an element of truth, that's why people repeat it and wear it.

Good workouts scare you a bit.

They make you throw up a little bit in your mouth before—and maybe some during or after. (Ewww. But true, admit it.)

If you're looking forward to today's workout with a smile and a song in your heart, then something is probably wrong in your workout or your head. Or you're the trainer. Because very few people actually look forward to pushing themselves into the red zone. There will be more pain than pleasure during most good workouts. As someone a lot smarter than me said last week: "You have signed up for something whose mascot is a vomiting clown. What made you think this would be pleasant?"

Anyhow, the point is this: Performing at a high level is not a walk in the park, a jog around the track, or a nice and steady heart rate. No matter what you're engaged in, if you want to achieve, you've got to put it out there on the line, push yourself into discomfort, and do it again and again and again. (Although not every single workout: be smart and listen to your body.) This holds true for fitness, for writing, for love, for life.

Achievement does not come without discomfort.

And, if you're planning to achieve, you might be a little bit nervous. That's okay. People cope with nerves in all sorts of ways: breathing, drink, drugs, pills. We cope with anxiety by going harder in the workout.

Yup, we're a little sick. Now go get your butt in the gym and train like hell.


Listening To Ourselves


You Can't Win the Warm-up