Life Will Go On

No one's going to love you any less.

Don't get that pull-up? Fail that clean? Botch that muscle-up? Suck at L-sits?

No one's going to love you any less because you screw up in the gym.

You could be the world's worst "fitnesser" EVER. Horrible, wretched, pathetic attempt at an athlete and ... life will go on. Here's hoping that's not you, but so what if it is.

Fitness isn't only for the perfect. Fitness is for f***-ups too.


Come play on my team: Team We Don't Give a S***. We're here so you can get better. You don't have to start at perfect, you start wherever you are and then you get better.

People ask all the time: "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"

I never liked that question: it's stupid. We don't have a magic wand.

You're going to fail. So what. We're not going to love you any less.

So just go lift weights. Or Zumba. P590X. Flag football. Join a bocce league. Something. Just get off your butt.

All of  life gets better when you do.


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Go At Your Own Pace