A Wealth of Insight
Centered in movement, often grounded in humor, and always intelligent, these pieces are timeless bites of wisdom. Start anywhere. Or choose a category (below) and dive into it!
Show Me Your Heart
It's You
Whether your life is a flaming success or a burnt-out failure, it's you.
On Ignorance
Just Try
Just because you don't know how is no reason to sit on your ass.
Creating Change
The Service We Give
Approval Is Overrated
Make the Seconds Count
We teach discipline in the gym: discipline in your set-up, your movement, your workout. But the most important discipline you have is not in your muscles, it's in your mind.
Create? Or Complain?
On Soreness
I do kind of like the soreness the day after a good workout. Not pain, like something is broken or torn. But sore, like I did some work yesterday and the day before.
Finding the Lessons
Your workout is a lab -- an experiment in life -- every single day, if you want it to be.
On Not Losing Hope
Never lose hope of being better than you are. Never. This is harder than it sounds.The world is full of broken dreamers.
Create Joy
The more I ponder, the more I realize there is a simple way each of us can make this world better: Create joy.
What We Think
Be Better
Your Choice
In a Moment
So, your time in the gym is important, in a way that you may not quite grasp.
Don't Avoid The Suck
Stop trying to avoid the suck. The good stuff is on the other side of it.