A Wealth of Insight
Centered in movement, often grounded in humor, and always intelligent, these pieces are timeless bites of wisdom. Start anywhere. Or choose a category (below) and dive into it!
What am I training for? To be healthier, to be happier. So, maybe I should do things that make me happier and healthier.
Is It Wise to Work Out While Injured?
Sometimes, you're being smart by staying active and doing what you can while you heal. But sometimes, working out while injured is like trying to steer the car after you've already driven off the road and flipped it.
What Is Endurance?
"What is endurance except continued strength?"I'm reading Pavel Tsatsouline's "Kettlebell -- Simple and Sinister" and he quotes strongman Earle Liederman saying this ... back in 1925.
You Don't Need To Be Fixed
You were born beautiful. The world made you forget that.
Why You Should Date a Woman Who Loves the Barbell
Because we have attitude, and we own it. There are no apologies to be given for speaking our minds, speaking our hearts, or standing up for what we believe in.
The Weight Teaches You
You must dare. You must risk. And you must believe you will recover.
Do What Works For You
You live in your skin and your mind, not somebody else. This is your life: live it exactly like you need to live it.
The Callipygous Manifesto
Big butts are a mark of effort and they're like art, each different and perfect in their own way. We should appreciate and celebrate art.
Making Noises in the Gym
How about you? Are you quiet in the gym, or do you get loud?
Getting The Crazy Out
Embrace the oddness of you. Don't be ashamed of being different, or thinking weird thoughts, or not fitting in wherever you think you should fit in.Standing out is not a crime: it's a gift. A beautiful, stunning gift.
Shadow Boxing
It's Not All Kettlebells and Kumbayas
Sometimes, I'm competing only with myself. And sometimes I want to put my foot on your throat and cut off your air.I don't think I'm supposed to say these thoughts aloud. Nice girls don't. But that's the truth.
You Don't Suck As Much As You Think You Do
If you're going to get better at this fitness thing (or anything), you need to accept one fact: You do not suck as much as you think you do.
Where You Look Is Where You'll Go
There is no set rule or time by which we all have to do anything, except get born and get dead.
If You Did It Once, You Can Do It Again
Go find more.
The Only Place You Can Start
People get lost in the wilderness between desire and action.
The Only Article on Resolutions You Need
You get hit by a bus tomorrow and you're going to be pissed that you wasted so much time.
Remember This Above All Else
Remember that training helps you prepare for all your endeavors. Prepare, but be certain to keep your sights in check and your internal scale calibrated.
It's Okay To Be a 3-Times-a-Week CrossFitter
Not all of us are cut from the same cloth. There are many athletes in their forties/fifties/sixties/seventies who either can't or don't want to do CrossFit five times a week.
Can You Pursue Mastery and Chase Goats?
What if Beethoven had spent a great deal of his time trying to craft a novel? What if Van Gogh had tried to improve his horrid salesman skills and spent less time with the oils?Can you truly pursue mastery if you are focused on attacking your weaknesses?