A Ton of Inspiration
Get your head right, get your body right, get your life right.
A Wealth of Insight
Centered in movement, often grounded in humor, and always intelligent, these pieces are timeless bites of wisdom. Start anywhere. Or choose a category (below) and dive into it!

What Age Takes (Or, Why It's Important to Get Smarter in Your Workout)
Know yourself well enough so you can turn your motor on, turn it off, and know when to just idle.

Top 10 Gym Peeves
Take this list with a grain of salt and take a look at your gym, whether you're a member, a coach, or an owner. Can you help make it better?

6 Rules for Experienced or New Fitness Junkies
How to be happy and fit.

10 Great Quotes by Women Athletes
"If the sun comes up, I have a chance." — Venus Williams

Showing Up
Showing up is how we improve ourselves as human beings, by being there repeatedly, even on days that we might not want to be there.

What's Your Excuse?
Motivational question or fitness taunt?

Switching Gyms
Businesses have customers, and sometimes customers move on.

11 Quotes To Help You Kick Ass in Life
Words to get you moving.

10 Quotes To Help You Get Stronger (Part 1)
The act of getting strong doesn't start in the gym. It starts in your head.

Run Now While the Sun Is Shining
Experiment. Be bold. Be adventurous. Dare.The days do not get longer.
The Myth of Overnight Results
Most things don't happen overnight, so don't expect things to be undone overnight.

How Many More?
I will always wonder this: how many more women could have found happiness with the barbell?

Scaling Is Not An Apology
Scaling is an adjustment of the workout to your individual needs. Scaling is not an apology or an excuse. And it's not some bullshit way to talk down to yourself or anybody else.

Is the Fitness Landscape Changing Again?
What do you think? Is the group class model enough anymore? Or do you find yourself jonesing for something different?

Show Up
Show up. None of it matters much unless you keep showing up.
Look at What's in Front of You
Imagine if we filled our heads with words that helped instead of sold.

Just Tell Me the Workout
Do you like to know the workout so you can visualize and plan? Or do you prefer to be left in the dark?

Cleaning, with Power
And the bar pops onto on my shoulders.If only my troubles could be lifted that easily.Or yours.Or anyone's.

"Mastery Hurts" and 9 Other Quotes To Get You Moving
From Virgil to Morrison ...

Burpee Penalty in the Gym: Smart Tool or Stupidity?
Why do we treat customers like misbehaving children?