A Wealth of Insight
Centered in movement, often grounded in humor, and always intelligent, these pieces are timeless bites of wisdom. Start anywhere. Or choose a category (below) and dive into it!
Things of Might
Either Or
The Art of Forging On
5 Ways To Stay Motivated
The Best Things Choose Us
Be Simple. Be Clear.
Till Those Lights Come Up
Without people, without coaches, without effort, that place is just four walls with some banged up equipment and a whole lot of emptiness. That same description used to fit us, too.
Find the Celebration
Find that place where you do not just breathe, but where you suck the air into your lungs, full and desperate and hungry for more.
Why Worry?
Decide Now
Be Careful Of Your Company
Don't surround yourself with people who demand little of you.Don't fill your life only with people you easily surpass.
What's In Your First Pile?
You make these piles of things, of desires, of dreams. One pile will get attention .... and the other pile is full of stuff that will die, because those dreams are not important enough to you.
In Praise of Goofiness
The more I age, the more I tire of seriousness.
On Healing
Many of us have no burden that heavy to bear. We are lucky, and we so often forget that.
What Lives On
When you die, no one is going to talk about your PRs.
Get Rid of That Word
If You Can't Hold On
On Not Having It All
Dream. Dream Big.
Dreaming is free ... so why did you give it up? Why do you act dour and doubt the glorious existence that could be yours in this beautiful life?