A Wealth of Insight
Centered in movement, often grounded in humor, and always intelligent, these pieces are timeless bites of wisdom. Start anywhere. Or choose a category (below) and dive into it!
Wisdom or Madness?
There's something forged in us by all of these workouts, something we can't quite explain.
The Dark, Lonely, and Beautiful Path
Everyone has at least one unfulfilled dream.
Never Apologize for Crying
Tears are a sign of how deeply you feel life: this is a good thing.
Not Really Your Concern
Stop worrying about what other people think of you.
You Are Beautiful
Because this is the thing to remember, to treasure, to carry with you like a small light in your pocket that you can pull out whenever the darkness rises and begins to obscure your path: you are beautiful. We all are beautiful.
What's It Going to Take for You to Change Your Life?
What will it take? An unexpected lump? A sudden layoff from a job you hated but tolerated for the money? The lingering, heartbreaking, soul-busting illness of your child or a parent?
Be Now
Make no apology for your strength, for your kindness, for your intelligence, for you.
Get the Mean Out!
Maybe the mental benefit of tossing around a barbell is measured in dopamine and in not making us act like dopes.
Why Are You So Upset?
If you're a passionate person, you've probably heard this question a few thousand times.
Nope. Not Today. (Or, Why It's Ridiculously Important To Keep Your Edge)
You don't want to lose your edge. Your edge is a fabulous thing.
An Hour That Will Uplift You!
We talked about barbells and books and love and much more! This hour is guaranteed to pump you up and make you even more ready to tackle life and succeed!
Are You Ready to Light It Up?
Are you okay with never changing? Or do you want to be somewhere different by this Friday or next Friday or a Friday a year from now?
Power Cleans? At a Time Like This?
It might look like whistling while Rome burns, but I don’t think it is, not for many of us. Let me explain.
No, You're Not Wrong
Maybe it's not perfect—this suit of you right now, this iteration, this particular version—but it's not wrong.
The Symptoms of the IDGAF Girl
Maybe I was born with IDGAF Syndrome, or maybe I acquired it later in life. The point of origin or transmission is not critical. All anyone seems to know for sure is that I am infected.
Not Everyone Will Like You
Remember, the words ignore and ignorance share an origin. This is not a mistake. And you are not a mistake.
Nothing is permanent on the whiteboard.
Complaining? Change Your Mindset
We're all probably underutilizing the power of our own mind.
Throwing Your Baggage From the Top of the Train
This won't be easy.
The Triumph and the Struggle
Go get the triumph.