A Wealth of Insight
Centered in movement, often grounded in humor, and always intelligent, these pieces are timeless bites of wisdom. Start anywhere. Or choose a category (below) and dive into it!
The Callipygous Manifesto
Big butts are a mark of effort and they're like art, each different and perfect in their own way. We should appreciate and celebrate art.
The Moment Trumps the Selfie
Do we experience anymore, or merely document?
Normal is Overrated Anyhow
When your son is a little different from the crowd, you don't envision an athletic future. But then, sometimes, things change.
Making Noises in the Gym
How about you? Are you quiet in the gym, or do you get loud?
You Leave My Yoga Pants Alone
In case you didn't notice, yoga pants might be the most wonderful thing invented in the past twenty years.
Getting The Crazy Out
Embrace the oddness of you. Don't be ashamed of being different, or thinking weird thoughts, or not fitting in wherever you think you should fit in.Standing out is not a crime: it's a gift. A beautiful, stunning gift.
Shadow Boxing
It's Not All Kettlebells and Kumbayas
Sometimes, I'm competing only with myself. And sometimes I want to put my foot on your throat and cut off your air.I don't think I'm supposed to say these thoughts aloud. Nice girls don't. But that's the truth.
You Don't Suck As Much As You Think You Do
If you're going to get better at this fitness thing (or anything), you need to accept one fact: You do not suck as much as you think you do.
What's In It For You?
Is it still worth doing? Then do it, and don't look back.
Where You Look Is Where You'll Go
There is no set rule or time by which we all have to do anything, except get born and get dead.
Those Shirts (Again)
I wear CrossFit affiliate shirts on some days, still. But on some days, I wear shirts with nothing on them.
What Happened?
It's different. Some would say better, some would say worse. But it's changed, that's for sure.
Avon Calling
Mom was just a woman in her 40's with blue eyes, a big smile, and an even bigger heart — and every front door would open. People know good people when they see them.
If You Did It Once, You Can Do It Again
Go find more.
The Essence of Badassery
There's nothing like watching a 10-lb dog growl at your front door to remind you that everyone can be a bad ass. Being tough has always been about heart, not size.
The Only Place You Can Start
People get lost in the wilderness between desire and action.
Drive Your Own Bus
You are your best authority.
The Only Article on Resolutions You Need
You get hit by a bus tomorrow and you're going to be pissed that you wasted so much time.
Begging With Baby
It was hard to tell if the baby was real. But the lesson sure was.