A Wealth of Insight
Centered in movement, often grounded in humor, and always intelligent, these pieces are timeless bites of wisdom. Start anywhere. Or choose a category (below) and dive into it!
Some days suck like dumbbell workouts.
Go To Your Dark Place
Happy won't get you where you want to go. You can't take your mind away from the pain if you want to achieve. You have to go straight at the pain and enter it.
What Do You Hunger For?
We all hunger for something. Yearning is a part of the human condition.
Pain or Fun? Or Both?
Because here on Planet CrossFit, fitness is fun. And functional. And kick-ass. And hard. And terrible. And fabulous. And uplifting. And motivating.
Go Ahead and Cheat
So, what's that mirror looking like for you today?
You Versus It
You vs. it. Life. Game on. What are you going to do today?
Only Some Things Matter
What do I care about? Your heart and your mind, in the gym and outside of it.
The CrossFit Watertown Mindset
Life Jackets
Each of us must find our strength and use it. To help ourselves, to help our families, to help others.
Seven More Days In Suckville . . . Or Not
So, are you going to improve? Or are you going to stay in Suckville for another week?
Momentum Is Your Friend
Motion in your ocean. The secret to so many CrossFit movements, and to much of life.
Kill That Voice
Go hard, go fast, go heavy. Give everything you have. Give everything you ever had.
The Book of Answers
Wouldn't it be great to have the real Book of Answers?How many days until I get real pull-ups?What weight should I put on the bar for this snatch?What should I do with my life?
Practice Some New Austerity
Free Your Mind
And not that Buddha would CrossFit, but you know what I'm saying here. Get your head straight and you'll see gains in the gym.
Nothing Like the Sledge . . .
See, life demands most of the day that we behave and do the right thing and act politely and "simmer down now." But put that sledge in our hands and guess what? Nice goes out the ever-lovin' window. Hello darkness, my old friend.
Milestones and Change
For every time that you feel sorry for yourself during a WOD ("It's so hard") or during a lift ("I just can't get it right!") remember that someone out there is facing a bigger obstacle, a higher hurdle, harder times. And they're carrying on. So, if you're complaining, just stop.
YBF (You'll Be Fine)
Eyes forward, chest up, breathe. You can pretty much use that as your mantra for whatever you have to face today, in the gym or in your life.
It's the commitment to each and every athlete that their needs will be met, their expectations will be exceeded, and that they will go home tired, but exhilarated and certain they learned at least a thing or two.
It's Actually About The Middle
Focus on the beginning, focus on the middle, focus on the end. It's hard but it's worth it. And if it was easy, you wouldn't want it.